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avid ['ævɪd] adj.
gen. gramziv; pohlepan; lakom
jur. ambiciozan; oblaporan; željan (lat. avidus)
 Inglés tesauro
AVID ['ævɪd] abbr.
abrev. Achievement Via Individual Determination; Audio Visual Investigations Of Democracy
abrev., avia. advanced vehicle interactive design; army air vehicle identification
abrev., educ. Advancement Via Individual Determination (iwona)
abrev., válv. Automated Valve Interface Device (konstmak)
cine Manufacturer of a popular non-linear editing system. Often used to refer to the system itself, as "AVID editor". Competitors include Lightworks and Apple's FinalCut Pro.
mil. advanced visual information display
mil., abrev. advanced identification; airborne vehicle identification
nasd., abrev. Avid Technology, Inc.
tec., abrev. aerospace vehicle interactive design